Wednesday, May 9, 2007


1: Br J Cancer. 1993 Apr;67(4):813-8. Links
Wilms' tumour and parental age: a report from the National Wilms' Tumour Study.Olson JM, Breslow NE, Beckwith JB.
Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, Seattle 98195.

Age distributions of parents at birth of patients registered in the National Wilms' Tumour Study were compared to those of the general population. An increasing incidence of sporadic Wilms' tumour with increasing paternal age was found, with a relative risk of 2.1 of tumour in children of fathers over 55 compared to children of fathers younger than 20. A similar effect for maternal age was found, with a relative risk of 1.4 in children of mothers over 40 compared to children of mothers younger than 20. The maternal age effect was much weaker among patients registered later in the study; in the later, more completely ascertained cohort, paternal age appears to be the major contributor to the parental age effect. Little difference in paternal age distribution was found between patients with bilateral and unilateral tumour and between male and female patients. In contrast, patients with reported associated congenital anomalies, patients with evidence of nephrogenic rests, and patients with early or late age-of-onset of tumour had parents who were, on average, substantially older than the remainder. These findings lend support to the idea that many Wilms' tumours result from new germline mutations. Further, the histologic composition of such tumours may

1: Med Pediatr Oncol. 1992;20(4):284-91. Links
Genetics and epidemiology of Wilms' tumor: the French Wilms' tumor study.Bonaiti-Pellie C, Chompret A, Tournade MF, Hochez J, Moutou C, Zucker JM, Steschenko D, Brunat-Mentigny M, Roche H, Tron P, et al.
Unite de Recherche d'Epidemiologie Genetique (U155 INSERM), Paris, France.
A complete family history was obtained for 501 patients with Wilms' tumor, treated in departments of pediatric oncology in whole France. The information was collected by self-questionnaire and/or by interview of parents. The proportion of bilateral cases is 4.6% and there are 12 patients (2.4%) with a positive family history of Wilms' tumor. The affected relatives are most often distant and no first degree relative was affected. Apart from the well-known associations with aniridia, hemihypertrophy, genitourinary anomalies, Beckwith-Wiedeemann, and Drash syndromes, there is also a significant excess of congenital heart defects (P = .008) which remains to be explained. Several findings support the bimutational hypothesis such as earlier diagnosis and increased parental age in bilateral cases. No particular anomalies and no increased frequency of childhood cancer were found in patients' relatives. The frequency of Wilms' tumor in relatives was estimated to be less than 0.4% in sibs, 0.06% in uncles and aunts, and 0.04% in first cousins. These figures are very different from those found in retinoblastoma and suggest that the mechanism may be more complex in Wilms' tumor. This conclusion is in agreement with molecular biology studies in tumors and linkage analysis in multiple case families which suggest that more than one locus is involved.

PMID: 1318995 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Am J Hum Genet. 1990 July; 47(1): 155–160.
Copyright notice
Parental origin of de novo constitutional deletions of chromosomal band 11p13.
V Huff, A Meadows, V M Riccardi, L C Strong, and G F Saunders
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Texas, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston 77030.
This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
AbstractOne-half of all cases of Wilms tumor (WT), a childhood kidney tumor, show loss of heterozygosity at chromosomal band 11p13 loci, suggesting that mutation of one allele and subsequent mutation or loss of the homologous allele are important events in the development of these tumors. The previously reported nonrandom loss of maternal alleles in these tumors implied that the primary mutation occurred on the paternally derived chromosome and that it was "unmasked" by loss of the normal maternal allele. This, in turn, suggests that the paternally derived allele is more mutable than the maternal one. To investigate whether germinal mutations are seen with equal frequency in maternally versus paternally inherited chromosomes, we determined the parental origin of the de novo germinal 11p13 deletions in eight children by typing lymphocyte DNA from these children and from their parents for 11p13 RFLPs. In seven of the eight cases, the de novo deletion was of paternal origin. The one case of maternal origin was unremarkable in terms of the size or extent of the 11p13 deletion, and the child did develop WT. Transmission of 11p13 deletions by both maternal and paternal carriers of balanced translocations has been reported, although maternal inheritance predominates. These data, in addition to the general preponderance of paternally derived, de novo mutations at other loci, suggest that the increased frequency of paternal deletions we observed is due to an increased germinal mutation rate in males.Full textFull text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (862K), or see the PubMed citation or the full text of some

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